inside out PHP Project Change Log

STEP-201 to STEP-202

  1. index.php

    1. remove the static content page and replace with dynamic function to populate the page
      • replace the folloing line

        echo getPage( $pageJson['pages'] );

  2. config.php

    1. change the site name
      • update the constant value from
        define('SITE_NAME','inside out | STEP 201');

        define('SITE_NAME','inside out | STEP 202');

    2. add line to get content.json file contents
      • add to the end of the file
        // get the file contents of the content.json file and store it in this variable as a string.
        $pageData = file_get_contents( "assets/data/content.json" );

    3. add line to convert the contents to an associative array
      • add to the end of the file
        // create a variable that will capture the array resulting from the php json_decode function.
        $pageJson = json_decode( $pageData, true );

  3. include/

    1. delete the file we used to add static content to the page
      • delete

  4. include/

    1. modify menuBuilder function to include the following changes
      • change the echo statment form
        echo('<a href="#">'.$value['MenuName'].'</a>');
        echo( '<a href="index.php?pg=' . basename( $value[ 'MenuLink' ], '.html' ) . '">' . $value[ 'MenuName' ] . '</a>' );

    2. add the getPage Function
      • add the following code

        function getPage( $obj, $pg = DEFUALT_PAGE ) {

        $pg = ( !empty( $_GET[ 'pg' ] ) ) ? $_GET[ 'pg' ] : $pg;

        $content = '<div class="container"><h1>Welcome to inside out - ' . $pg . '</h1></div><div class="container">Please contact the website administrator to report there is a problem with this page.</div>';

        foreach ( $obj as $name => $value ) {
        if ( $value[ 'PageID' ] === $pg ) {
        $content = '<div class="container animated fadeIn"><h1>' . $value[ 'PageName' ] . '</h1></div><div class="container animated fadeIn">' . $value[ 'PageContent' ] . '</div>';

        return $content;


    1. add the CDN call for Animate.css below the footer css link in the header
      • add after the footer.css file
        <!-- styles used globaly for animations in our website -->
        <link rel="stylesheet"

    2. link our style.css file in our header
      • add after the animate.min.css file
        <!-- styles used globaly for our website -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/style.css">

    3. add an anchor tag tot he site title in the #logo h1 element to link back to our home page
      • update the h1 element from
        <h1 id="logo"><?php echo SITE_NAME; ?></h1>
        <h1 id="logo"><a href="index.php"><?php echo SITE_NAME; ?></a></h1>

  5. assets/css/style.css
      1. add style to correct header logo - keep text color white and remove the underline
        • add the following css rule to the end of the file
          /* override anchor tag font color changes and remove underline */
          #logo a{
          text-decoration: none;
          color: #FFF;

  1. asstets/data/

      1. update content.json file - add home page to elements
        • add home page elements to the end of the json
          , {
          "PageID": "home",
          "PageName": "here i am",
          "PageContent": "<p>this is the content for the home page</p>"